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Re: Brikwars Playtest Photos
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 20:13:09 GMT
133 times
In, Shaun Sullivan writes:

"Sitting Duck" - Eric's medic attends to the fallen troops whose demise
was described in "Carnage".  Having used his trusty medic-cycle to reach
the bodies within a turn, the medic was able to revive (read: ressurect)
two of the troops.  Strategic shortcoming on Eric's part, and a complete
moral and ethical vacuum on Shaun's part, made this event a Pyrrhic
victory: shortly after this photo was taken, the SAMAS power armor
banked around for another strafing pass, ending the brief but glorious
career of the medic and his two revived patients.

And just let me say, we are still planning on mentioning that action to the UN,
you black-hearted villian.

Ooooh!  <shakes fist angrily>


Message is in Reply To:
  Brikwars Playtest Photos
As promised, here are some captions describing the scenes in the photos from the Brikwars Playtesting session between myself and Mr. Eric "I swat you like a fly" Joslin. The day was somewhat overcast, so I resorted to using a flash, alas ... most (...) (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to

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