Re: New Report on Jain's
Sun, 21 May 2000 22:49:46 GMT
49 times
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In, Mike Rayhawk writes:
> Hey everybody, I just wrote up a new battle report for Jain's Guide (
> ) - I don't know why I never thought of
> doing it before. It's from a game we played on the 7th of May at Matthew
> Wilkins' place in Portland. Matthew played the mysterious unidentified gray
> invaders, my brother Joe played the evil DarkTron, and I played the heroic
> Buttercup's Brigadiers. I easily scored the most kills in the battle, thanks
> to a large number of friendly-fire casualties among my own troops. (A few of
> them may have been a little overzealous.)
Glorious! Although you didn't get any good shots of the scorpian, the spider or
the monestary...
Message is in Reply To:
| | New Report on Jain's
| Hey everybody, I just wrote up a new battle report for Jain's Guide ( (URL) ) - I don't know why I never thought of doing it before. It's from a game we played on the 7th of May at Matthew Wilkins' place in Portland. Matthew played the mysterious (...) (25 years ago, 21-May-00, to lugnet.gaming)
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