Some fun with the Name Generator
Thu, 22 Jun 2000 11:29:09 GMT
1304 times
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Playing around with the name generator last night, and came up with some
interesting ones:
Castaway's Rally Bathroom - Races around the toilet bowl
Weapons Van - Urban warfare, baby!
Weapons Scooter - Urban warfare for the little'ns
Garden Renegades - The bunch of rebel veggies who eat the bugs
Garden Archer - The one who shoots the garden renegades
Pothole Rescue Station - These are the guys who save you if you fall in one
Smuggler's Shipwreck Challenge - Who can crash into the big rocks first?
Mach II Stables - The fastest horses in three states
Shark Control Bathroom - Look before you sit!
Frontier Bathroom - See that patch of prarie grass over there?
I like the last two best ;-)
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