lugnet.fun has been activated as a newsgroup. (Previously it was an empty
category with subgroups only.) The main reason for its activation is (1)
as a place for LEGO-related "silliness" or amusement -- i.e., sort of an
"on-topic" version of lugnet.off-topic.fun; and (2) as a sort of catch-all
place for LEGO-related amusements or activities which aren't covered by any
of the more focused subgroups. Here is a recent example -- in fact the one
which broke the proverbial camel's back and prompted the group's activation:
Judging from the number of times the question "Do we need an ON-topic.fun
group?" has come up in the past year, this group may be a much-needed
"missing link."
May much silliness spew forth from it. :-)
-> lugnet.fun (group and hierarchy):
LEGO-centered projects and group activities for amusement, learning,
or awareness: plans, how-to's, memorable experiences, etc.; emphasis
on the enjoyable, novel, low-cost, and imaginative; fun or silly
LEGO-related ideas, jokes, puzzles, riddles, etc.
To participate via NNTP (netnews), point your newsreader here:
or news://lugnet.com:1119/lugnet.fun
or news://lugnet.com:8000/lugnet.fun
or news://lugnet.com:8080/lugnet.fun
To participate via HTTP (web interface), point your web browser here:
To subscribe via SMTP (e-mail), point your web browser here:
To register for posting to any LUGNET group (if you haven't yet done so),
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