| | LEGO® The SHIELD Helicarrier set 76042 (2,996 pieces)
| LEGO® set #76042 The SHIELD Helicarrier, 2,996 pieces. US $349.99 - CA $399.99 - DE 349.99 - UK £269.99 - DK 2999.00 DKK Euro pricing varies by country. Please visit shop.LEGO.com for regional pricing. Build and display the huge SHIELD Helicarrier! (...) (10 years ago, 29-Jan-15, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, lugnet.lego, lugnet.fun, lugnet.licensed, FTX) !
| | | | Adult Fans of LEGO: Why LEGO is fun at any age!
| From SBS.com.au By Patrick Abboud April 1, 2014 Adult Fans of LEGO: Why LEGO is fun at any age Dean Niclasen and Shelly Timson are bonded by their passion for LEGO and there are 25,000 Adult Fans of LEGO just like them across Australia. The Feed's (...) (11 years ago, 1-Apr-14, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, lugnet.lego, lugnet.fun, FTX)
| | | | The Little Girl from the 1981 LEGO Ad is All Grown Up!
| The Little Girl from the 1981 LEGO Ad is All Grown Up, and Shes Got Something to Say February 11, 2014 By Lori Day In mid-January, (URL) this article> on The Huffington Post hit my Facebook newsfeed like a Justin Bieber deportation petition - it (...) (11 years ago, 11-Feb-14, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, lugnet.lego, lugnet.fun, FTX)
| | | | The Little Girl from the 1981 LEGO Ad is All Grown Up!
| The Little Girl from the 1981 LEGO Ad is All Grown Up, and Shes Got Something to Say February 11, 2014 By Lori Day In mid-January, (URL) this article> on The Huffington Post hit my Facebook newsfeed like a Justin Bieber deportation petition - it (...) (11 years ago, 11-Feb-14, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, lugnet.lego, lugnet.fun, FTX)
| | | | LEGO® set 10241 Maersk Line Triple-E
| LEGO® set 10241 Maersk Line Triple-E The set was officially unveiled at LEGO Fan Weekend in Skærbæk. Ages 12+. 1,518 pieces. Build the Maersk Triple-E container vessel a true giant of the seas! US $149.99 CA $179.99 DE 129.99 UK 109.99 £ DK (...) (11 years ago, 3-Oct-13, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, lugnet.lego, lugnet.fun, lugnet.licensed, FTX)
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