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[MindStorms FAQ 1.7 What are some common terms I will see in the Mindstorms mailing list?]
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 22:02:02 GMT
3602 times
This item includes a few more definitions which I have added, and the headers
are boldfaced. The rest is left unchanged.

Subject: 1.7 What are some common terms I will see in the Mindstorms mailing
Topic-Level: 1
Content-Language: en
Originator: Aa-Tchoo, 1999-05-07
Revision: Eric Lind, 1999-05-09
Revision: Blake Winton, 1999-05-10
Revision: Jeremy Sproat, 1999-05-11
Revision: Robert Munafo, 1999-07-13
Comment: let's fill this out!
Location: /robotics/



<DT><A NAME="roboticsterm">00_FILLER</A></DT>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermclasslibrary"><b>class library</b></A></DT>
<DD>A collection of related classes, function, and modules that can be
reused in other programs; a method of keeping one's code collected.</DD>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermdynamicmemoryallocation"><b>dynamic memory
<DD>Deciding at run-time how much memory is needed for a given data.
Normal variables are allocated statically.  For example, an int might
always take up 32 bits of memory.  More complicated objects can be
dynamic, as the size required is not always known.</DD>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermdynamicstringallocation"><b>dynamic string
<DD>Not many languages support this.  Usually, strings get a certain
amount of space; i.e., C++ has you create a character array of a given
size, and that's how big the string can be.  Java simulates dynamic string
allocation by creating entirely new String objects each time the string is

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermglobalvariables"><b>global variables</b></A></DT>
<DD>The opposite of <A HREF="#roboticstermlocalvariables">local
variables</A>.  These variables are visible to the entire program and can
be accessed anywhere.  The original Mindstorms language has only global

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermlocalvariables"><b>local variables</b></A></DT>
<DD>A variable that has limited scope.  In other words, the variable only
exists and can be accessed by a small segment of the program, usually a
function or method.  Useful for storing temporary information that the
rest of the program doesn't need to see, but that you need for a given
chunk of code to work.  Compare with <A
HREF="#roboticstermglobalvariables">global variables</A>.</DD>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermnqc"><b>NQC</b></A></DT>
<DD>An alternate, fan-written programming language to replace the original
Mindstorms language.  NQC stands for Not Quite C, and has many features
which appeal to experienced programmers.  It has its own Web page at <A
and its own FAQ at <A

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermobjectorientedprogramming"><b>object-oriented
<DD>A programming paradigm, as opposed to iterative programming,
functional programming, or logic-based programming.  Objects have
variables and operations on those variables.  One can move objects around,
chain them together, have them talk to one another.  Java is mostly an OO
language.  C++ is a hybrid of OO and iterative, and is based on C, which
is iterative.  LISP is a functional language, as is Scheme, a LIST
derivative.  Prolog is a logic language.</DD>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermrecursion"><b>recursion</b></A></DT>
<DD>The process of one function calling itself to solve a problem.  This
is done by breaking the problem down to its smallest size, then combining
the smaller solutions.  Factorials are usually used as a simple example of
recursion.  <TT>6!  = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1</TT>.  One can repeatedly
break the factorial down until you reach 1, then recombine the problem to
find the final solution.  For example: <TT>6!  = 6 x 5!</TT>; <TT>5!  = 5
x 4!</TT>; <TT>4!  = 4 x 3!</TT>; etc.</DD>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermrcx"><b>RCX</b></A></DT>
<DD>The "programmable brick" that is the brain (and power supply) of a
MindStorms robot. It contains the software that controls the motors and reacts
to changes in the sensor inputs.</DD>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermlegos"><b>LegOS</b></A></DT>
<DD>A complete replacement for the standard firmware in the RCX, which enables
sophisticated programmers to write more powerful programs for the RCX. LegOS
allows full use of the RCX's built in RAM memory, direct control of the LCD
display, etc.</DD>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermcybermaster"><b>Cybermaster</b></A></DT>
<DD>A programmable robot development system similar to MindStorms but oriented
towards a younger audience. Its control module has two motors built-in, making
construction of vehicles easier, and its software has a more videogame-like

<DT><A NAME="roboticsterm">mailing list</A></DT>

<DT><A NAME="roboticstermsemaphore"><b>semaphore</b></A></DT>
<DD>A special type of variable used for communication between two tasks in a
multitasking environment. Semaphores are often used to mediate arbitration
between multiple tasks competing for use of a shared resource.</DD>

<DT><A NAME="roboticsterm">Mindstorms</A></DT>

<DT><A NAME="roboticsterm">LEGO&reg; Mindstorms Internals web page</A></DT>



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