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 FAQ / 536
  [MindStorms FAQ 4.5 How do I make a sound sensor?]
Subject: 4.5 How do I make a sound sensor? Content-Language: en Topic-Level: 0 Revision: Robert Munafo, 1999-07-13 Location: /robotics/rcx/ Comment: Topic-level is inaccurate pending a reference for topic levels <p>Passive microphones (the kind that (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)
  Re: [MindStorms FAQ 4.5 How do I make a sound sensor?]
(...) Hot dang! Wow! Thanks for the new material! :-, Cheers, - jsproat (25 years ago, 13-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)
  Re: [MindStorms FAQ 4.5 How do I make a sound sensor?]
No problem Jeremy. It was fun! If you want to see an organized summary of all the answers I submitted, look at (URL) for a table of contents with pointers. (...) - Robert Munafo (25 years ago, 13-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)
  [MindStorms FAQ 4.5 How do I make a sound sensor?]
Subject: 4.5 How do I make a sound sensor? Content-Language: en Topic-Level: 0 Revision: Robert Munafo, 1999-07-14 Location: /robotics/rcx/ Comment: Topic-level is inaccurate pending a reference for topic levels <p>A rather complex circuit is (...) (25 years ago, 14-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)

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