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autoFAQpost /off-topic/fun/howto_make_lego_bookmark.en.faq
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 23:35:26 GMT
1711 times
Subject: How can I make a LEGO  bookmark?
Topic-Level: 1
Content-Language: en
Originator: Todd Lehman, 1999-02-05
Revision: Todd Lehman, 1999-02-05
Location: /off-topic/fun/

<P>I wanna see a bookmark with the big red LEGO&reg; logo at the top and
cool LEGO imagery on the rest.  Then it hit me -- why not cut up a small
LEGO box?</P>

<P>So I grabbed an extra 6856 Planetary Decoder box that I had sitting
around, hacked it up with a scissors, and viola -- I now have 4
single-sided LEGO bookmarks (or 2 double-sided LEGO bookmarks if I go buy
a glue stick and some laminating sheets).</P>

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