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Commonfolk's FAQ, new question
lugnet.faq, lugnet.general,
Sun, 25 Nov 2001 13:54:50 GMT
5499 times
Hey folks!

The commonfolk's FAQ has been hibernating for a while, just to give you all
a chance to relax and think up new jokes.

So I've got a few new questions for y'all! Answers can be posted in reply,
or emailed to me ( And remember - the more posts you
quote, the more details you give - the funnier it gets, and the more likely
you are to get people to laugh so hard they'll choke! (or not...)

So tell me:

- How in the world is spamcake related to lego? And what does McDonald's got
to do with it?
- What, pray tell, is (a?) fleebnork?
- Does Brad Justus live up to his last name?

That's it for now, seeya later!


The Commonfolk's FAQ - everything you wanted to know about lugnet and were
afraid to ask!

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Commonfolk's FAQ, new question
in article, Shiri Dori at wrote on 11/25/01 7:54 AM: (...) Wull, LEGO is slightly more edible than spam... Rob (23 years ago, 25-Nov-01, to
  Re: Commonfolk's FAQ, new question
(...) For a long time, Spamcake existed only in the mind of TOM MCDONALD. Then he put it in his sig files on LUGNet, and it was good. Then TOM created the Spamcake Diner, and it was good. And the people were sick, but it was still good. Then came (...) (23 years ago, 25-Nov-01, to
  Re: Commonfolk's FAQ, new question
(...) Admirably answered by the (Grand) Admiral! (...) Depends if you mean "justice" or "just us" 8?) ROSCO (23 years ago, 25-Nov-01, to

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