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 Fabuland / *518 (-5)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives episode 1
(...) Hi Mark, It's great! There are some great things in there. I really like the conversaton between Randy and Betsy about waking up. Bianca with her stroller and umbrella The queston to the doctor in the hospital And of course all the nice (...) (19 years ago, 15-Feb-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives episode 1
(...) This is hilarious! Btw, you really should also post it in .announce.moc, because how many people read .fabuland? Anyway, I'm debating whether my favorite part is hiding in the closet because lampstands can't open doors, or "how about an apple (...) (19 years ago, 13-Feb-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Fabuland Housewives episode 1
It's ready! Check it out: (URL) (19 years ago, 13-Feb-06, to lugnet.fabuland) ! 
  Fabuland site
Salve, I've finished to renew my site. There are also the links to Mark's and Sybrand's pages. :) You can see the map under "Mappa". Enjoy :) --Mo "If you quit now, they win" (XF:FtF) (URL) XFiles, Lego e tanto altro (URL) i nuovi episodi di XFiles (...) (19 years ago, 22-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: More Fabuland MOCs
From: "Sybrand Bonsma" <> (...) I'll link it and Mark's one when I'll pubblish the new version of my website (I'm almost done! ;)). (...) Me too! --Monica "If you quit now, they win" (XF:FtF) (URL) XFiles, Lego e tanto altro (...) (19 years ago, 21-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland)

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