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Re: Brad's talk
Tue, 21 Oct 2003 03:35:50 GMT
6128 times
In, Larry Pieniazek wrote:

Q: Lar: Given that LEGOWORLD just snatched the record back (under a new, unified
rule set that is a bit more difficult to get good times under which must be used
for all future ISD record attempts) and given that will likely generate some
trash talking from the US on reclaiming the record, did you stash enough ISDs to
allow record attempts for quite a while?
A: Yes. Yes we did. That is the weirdest question I've ever gotten. (laugher)

Can someone please post these new rules to the public? Is there any central
place for info on each ISD timed build to date?



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brad's talk
(...) See Jake or Kate (i think) for official rules but the gist is this, I think (corrections welcomed) - one set of instructions only, the ones already in the box, no bringing in multiple instruction copies or using a presplit copy - the timer (...) (21 years ago, 21-Oct-03, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Brad's talk
Here is a rough transcription from Brad's talk at LegoWorld 2003 on Saturday evening. Sorry it took me a couple of days to get net access (we're dialed in from the booth on the show floor at last... long story, the fast connection did not (...) (21 years ago, 20-Oct-03, to !! 

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