On 00.38 8/12/2003 +0000, Mark wrote
> > The public attendance factor is an interesting one. To me, it matters
> > not much.
> I'm glad you brought this up.
> If we want cons to live we need the public. Let that sink in for a
> sec. For as
> diverse a group as we have here in the NW, it cannot support a regional
> convention by its fans alone. Won't happen. People balk at the
> money. So what
> do we do, we comprimise. We try to give time for the fans, this year we
> have a
> space that we can lock, but the public is coming, and they'll pay to get in.
> What's this mean? NWBrickcon04.
> Is it easy? No. Are the fans willing to pay up for a specialty con in
> the NW.
> I've heard a loud, resolute, "NO." So, we comprimise. We have to start
> small,
> that's how most things start. We'll get bigger, and better. We've just
> got to
> stick to it, organize a good event and with any luck, 03, will pay for your
> "private zone" in 04. Like I say, growth.
This year at BrickFest we had open admission on Sunday. Even without
advertising, we had spectacular turn out (still no numbers yet).
I think the public influx provided energy to what traditionally has been a
subdued 'recovery' day. And most importantly, many of our fears of the
havok that the public would wrack on the fest were laid asside.
I dont see BrickFest becoming a totally open event. The _vast_ majority of
the general public who were there were parents with kids. But I definitely
see the experiment of opening the fest on Sunday as a success.
(speaking as me, not as an organizer)
aka stephen f roberts
wildbrick.com - Jain's Guide : Promoting more than just the MOC
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