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 Events / BricksWest / 784
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Re: Saturday General Session Announcements
Tue, 12 Aug 2003 00:51:58 GMT
2768 times
On 00.38 8/12/2003 +0000, Mark wrote

The public attendance factor is an interesting one. To me, it matters
not much.

I'm glad you brought this up.
If we want cons to live we need the public.  Let that sink in for a
sec.  For as
diverse a group as we have here in the NW, it cannot support a regional
convention by its fans alone.  Won't happen.  People balk at the
money.  So what
do we do, we comprimise.  We try to give time for the fans, this year we
have a
space that we can lock, but the public is coming, and they'll pay to get in.
What's this mean?  NWBrickcon04.
Is it easy?  No.  Are the fans willing to pay up for a specialty con in
the NW.
I've heard a loud, resolute, "NO."  So, we comprimise.  We have to start
that's how most things start.  We'll get bigger, and better.  We've just
got to
stick to it, organize a good event and with any luck, 03, will pay for your
"private zone" in 04.  Like I say, growth.

This year at BrickFest we had open admission on Sunday. Even without
advertising, we had spectacular turn out (still no numbers yet).

I think the public influx provided energy to what traditionally has been a
subdued 'recovery' day. And most importantly, many of our fears of the
havok that the public would wrack on the fest were laid asside.

I dont see BrickFest becoming a totally open event. The _vast_ majority of
the general public who were there were parents with kids. But I definitely
see the experiment of opening the fest on Sunday as a success.

(speaking as me, not as an organizer)

aka  stephen f roberts  -  Jain's Guide : Promoting more than just the MOC

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