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Re: BrickFest™ PDX 2007 - Robotic Easter Egg Hunt
Newsgroups:, lugnet.robotics
Fri, 2 Feb 2007 08:00:27 GMT
7664 times
In, Peter Ehrlich wrote:
   heheh, looks like a very fun contest! We’ve got a couple questions though:

In, David Schilling wrote:
   snip A judge will tell each contestant where to place his robot. At a signal from the judge, the contestant will start the robot. The robot will have three minutes to find as many eggs as possible, and drop them over the edges of the arena.

Will the placement be absolute digression of the judge? Will it be at right angles to the wall, or facing any direction?

The location will be at the absolute discretion of the judge. The orientation is up to the owner, however.

   Also, would a contestant be allowed to code his/her robot between seeing the arena and starting to compete?

snip The Arena:

The arena will be a flat, smooth 4-foot by 8-foot sheet of some material yet to be chosen (probably a sheet of plastic, or plywood). It will have transparent plastic edges around the sides that are at least 1” high, and at most 2” high. The edges will be less than 1/4” thick.

Sitting on the arena will be two or three LEGO buildings. These will be taped down, so they don’t move. They will be at least 16” away from the walls, and each other. They will have an overhanging roof, and possibly a narrow baseplate edge around the bottom.

Can we get more info on the sides? Will it change from 1-2” over the circumference or will it be fixed? (If so, when can we know?)

The sides will be of constant height. It won’t change over the circumference. The reason for the ambiguity is twofold: I’m waiting for the local plastic store to get 2” ‘corner protectors’ back in stock. Currently they only have 1 1/4” ones. Secondly, the table surface hasn’t been decided on yet, and likely won’t be until I get to Portland. (I’d rather not travel with a 4’x8’ sheet!) Since I’m not sure what I’ll get, I don’t know how thick it is yet. While the thickness won’t directly concern the robot, it will change how much of the edges are ‘visible’ to the robot. To be on the safe side, build your robot so that it can detect an edge only 1” tall, but also build it so it can deposit the eggs over a 2” edge.

   Will houses be right angles with the sides? Will they be guaranteed a certain height or width?

The house walls will be placed so that they are perpendicular to the sides of the arena. The shape of the houses will be either rectangular or L-shaped. The height of the house walls will be at least 2” high, with a roof that is higher than that. Beyond that, they could be any size.

   many thanks,


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BrickFest™ PDX 2007 - Robotic Easter Egg Hunt
heheh, looks like a very fun contest! We've got a couple questions though: (...) Will the placement be absolute digression of the judge? Will it be at right angles to the wall, or facing any direction? Also, would a contestant be allowed to code (...) (18 years ago, 1-Feb-07, to, lugnet.robotics, FTX)

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