Maybe you have already heard something about this, but here is the offical
announcement. From October 18 until October 22, The IJsselhallen in Zwolle, The
Netherlands will be once again be devoted to LEGO, as then probbaly Europes
biggest LEGO-event LEGO®WORLD 2002 will be held.
Last year, LEGO®WORLD 2001 was a big succes with over 27.500 visitors.
Unfortunately many people had to be disappointed, as it was to crowded to let
more people in. Therefore this year the event will be even larger then last
year. Not only will the event now last 5 days instead of 4, but more
importantly the floor size will be double as big as last year.
LEGO will show a lot of very nice things this year again and also the dutch
LEGO users group 'De Bouwsteen' (The Buildingbrick) will be present again. Last
year very many people were interested in our own creations. There were so many
people present in our area that it was even hard to walk around there.
Therefore we will have this year a much larger area to show all creations and
it seems to be very interesting what we will display.
What will be there to see:
Of course LEGO is present with a huge amount of nice things to see and of
course there are LEGO building contests. I don't know all the details of what
they will show but last year they had very nice things.
I can tell you more about what 'De Bouwsteen' will show, because I'm one of the
people organising the part of the event which will be filled in by De
This year there will be again a huge train layout with many trains and scenery.
The trains will go through mountains and over bridges. One of the bridges will
span a long distance without any kind support. A masterpiece of building
Connected to the train layout is Steendam. The Miniland city of the members of
De Bouwsteen. We asked all our members to build a city building on a 32x32
baseplate. With about 450 members, this will become one of the biggest LEGO
cities you have ever seen.
Trade and sale
Of course you have the possibility to buy new LEGO sets at the event, but there
will also be a possibility to buy second hand LEGO or try to trade your LEGO
with that of others.
Historical overview:
Whereas in the section of LEGO many of the newest sets will be displayed, De
Bouwsteen has an area where a lot of older LEGO sets will be displayed. Bring
back the memories of your childhood and look at the sets you always wanted to
see in realtiy
Own creations.
What is a LEGO users group without any own creations? Many of our members have
made beautiful models which they will show during LEGO WORLD. Enormous,
detailed buildings and cranes are only a few of the creations that will be
This is the time to find out what you can do with LEGO. Of course we will show
you how to work with Mindstorms. Also you can learn everything about LDraw to
build fantastic models in on the computer. Rather want to work with the real
bricks? Then look at the special techniques demonstrations where you can learn
a lot of tricks to make your models to look nicer.
On one or more evenings we will organize a diner for LEGO fans in a restaurant
nearby LEGO WORLD 2002. Here we have the opportunity to relax from the event
and talk to eachother about everything connected to LEGO.
Tickets will be availble at the Intertoys toy stores in the Netherlands
starting August 26. For foreign people we'll try to find a solution so that
they can also buy there tickets in advance. We didn't find the perfect solution
yet, but we are working on it. For the time being, people interested in tickets
are adviced to contact me via e-mail.
A large number of volunteers and exhibitors will stay in holiday park close to
Zwolle. If you are interested in joining us there, please contact me.
The organising comittee of the Bouwsteen consists of:
Sybrand Bonsma, Eric Brok, Erwin van Grinsvin, Jaco v/d Molen, Paul Wolters,
Hans Beuze, Mark v/d Horst, Rick Zonneveld and Peter van Es
Pictures and information:
Information (in Dutch) can be found on:
Pictures of last years event:
On behalf of the Bouwsteen,
Sybrand Bonsma
e-mail: sbonsma@molphys.leidenuniv.nl
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Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: LEGO®WORLD 2002
| (...) Dear Sybrand, thanks for doing this invitation posting here, at 1000steine and at the old r.t.l. Even if you got no open reply, I am sure lots of people have read it and appreciate the work you put into it! At least I myself do so... Kind (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jul-02, to lugnet.events, lugnet.loc.de, lugnet.loc.nl)
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