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  Re: Monorail Record
In lugnet.announce, David Eaton wrote: <snip> (...) OMG!!! I was a little meh when looking at the TD--thought it was just 'track for the sake of track', but when i looked at the pictures...!!!!! Fantastic!!! Very nicely done!! I love the (...) (13 years ago, 28-Feb-12, to
  Re: Monorail Record
(...) Wow we did it! That layout is many times more impressive than I was expecting. Great job guys! If anyone ever challenges the record, don't forget a handful of other NELUGers have even more track to add... ;) -Hendo (13 years ago, 28-Feb-12, to
  Monorail Record
NELUG recently held an event dedicated to setting the world record for the longest LEGO monorail track. From everything we had seen, the previous record was somewhere around 200-300 linear feet of monorail track, depending on how you counted it, (...) (13 years ago, 27-Feb-12, to lugnet.announce,, lugnet.general, ! 
  LEGO event at TRU's nationwide 2/4/12 benefitting Alex's Lemonade Stand-fight childhood cancer!
This special event being held at Toys"R"Us stores across the country lets you experience the brand new building craze, LEGO® Friends, and support Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) in the fight against childhood cancer! LEGO will hold an (...) (13 years ago, 2-Feb-12, to
  Ballabio 2012, Italy, July 6-7-8 - New website address
New website address for the biggest italian event: (URL) graphic will be on-line very soon. Enjoy! Marco (13 years ago, 31-Jan-12, to

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