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Re: Chicago House of Bricks is Coming!
Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:09:29 GMT
10235 times
In, Joe Strout wrote:
   Sounds neat! But please include (Chicago Lego Builders) in announcements about it -- seems like that’s the most directly relevant group. I almost missed it, but just happened to see it on the home page before it was cycled out.

Good idea. I’ve also included as a regional area and kept .events in there because it is indeed an event.

   Will it be possible to attend HoB without registering for the whole convention (which isn’t as interesting to me, as, say, models of subways and donut shops)?

Unfortunately no. Still the price for a weekend pass to 2BeCONtinued4 is comparable to other brick conventions.

   Still, if this is the only way we could get such a big LEGO event in Chicago, then I’m happy to support it. Thanks for setting it up and letting us know about it!

It may not be the only way, but it does give us a good start. Let’s see how this year goes and then move forward from there.

Jason Spears
Chicago House of Bricks
Castle Coordinator

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Chicago House of Bricks is Coming!
(...) Sounds neat! But please include (Chicago Lego Builders) in announcements about it -- seems like that's the most directly relevant group. I almost missed it, but just happened to see it on the home page before it was cycled (...) (20 years ago, 15-Feb-05, to,, FTX)

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