Re: Commemorative DVD Feedback Thread - POSITIVE
Fri, 12 Nov 2004 11:39:19 GMT
1738 times
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In, Todd Thuma wrote:
> In, Todd Thuma wrote:
> > DVD Receipients,
> >
> > Please be aware there are two areas to post to this thread, a positive and a
> > negative side.
> >
> > Todd
> This thread is for positive comments.
> Todd
For a homebrewed DVD, this is excellent work. It also has a longer run time than
I anticipated. A big plus. Loved the music. Especially the Tangerine Dream
tracks that I recognized immediately. I own over 100 of their albums on 12" disc
and CD's. I have also seen them in concert several times in Detroit, Chicago,
and New York.
The strange thing is, while you were producing the DVD, I thought to myself that
Tangerine Dream would be excellent background music for the space themes. And
there it was.
I hope you will have extras to order so I can give a few to family and friends.
This DVD is well worth the price of addmission and then some.
Steven Weiser
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