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Re: PNLTC Breaks World Record for Longest LEGO train track
Wed, 23 Aug 2000 16:58:42 GMT
1338 times
On Saturday, August 19, PNLTC broke the previous record
for longest LEGO train track, about 1780 feet. The new
world record stands at 3343 feet! It took 42 minutes to
travel the distance.

Just curious, what was the speed regulator set at for the 42 minute run?

Each regulator was manned (or womanned!) and had to be adjusted as the train
navigated awkward curves or went through a stretch where two regulators were
both powering it.

Don't ask me exactly how many regulators there were- I wasn't paying that
closely to that sort of trivia, though I'm thinking it was 4 or 5.

Tony Hafner

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: PNLTC Breaks World Record for Longest LEGO train track
(...) train (...) were (...) Actually it was 10. (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to

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  Re: PNLTC Breaks World Record for Longest LEGO train track
Just curious, what was the speed regulator set at for the 42 minute run? "Dwayne Towell" <> wrote in message (...) (24 years ago, 23-Aug-00, to

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