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  2011 LEGO Engineering Symposium
Dear LEGO Educator, The Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) invites you to the 5th annual LEGO Engineering Symposium May 24-26, 2011 at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, USA. The LEGO Engineering Symposium aims to (...) (14 years ago, 27-Feb-11, to
  Win $1000 and a LEGOLand Annual Pass in the BrickMagic Challenge!
The BrickMagic LEGO Festival (May 5-8, 2011 in Raleigh, NC) is proud to announce the first-ever BrickMagic Challenge! All BrickMagic exhibitors will have their LEGO creations automatically entered, and the best overall creation will receive $1000 (...) (14 years ago, 17-Feb-11, to, lugnet.announce,, lugnet.publish.brickjournal, FTX)  
  Call for Presentations: Bricks by the Bay 2011, SF Bay Area, CA USA
Bricks by the Bay 2011 For Immediate Release January 12, 2011 Contact: Paul Sinasohn Program Chair singlow @ gmail .com Bricks by the Bay Call For Presentations Bricks By The Bay 2011 is looking for any talks, roundtables, and special activities you (...) (14 years ago, 13-Jan-11, to, lugnet.announce)
  Brick Fiesta
(2 URLs) Brick Fiesta!> Mark your calendars and get ready to attend the most unique LEGO fan event in the central United States (south of Chicago!). The first Brick Fiesta is being held in Austin, Texas from June 30th to July 3rd, 2011. Since 2003 (...) (14 years ago, 7-Jan-11, to, lugnet.announce, FTX) ! 
  Brickworld 2011 - Registration Open
Hello everyone, We are happy to announce that Brickworld registration is now open. We have been hard at work performing a complete overhaul on the registration process. In response to your feedback in the survey after last year's event, we have done (...) (14 years ago, 7-Jan-11, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.trains, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.people, FTX) ! 
  Brickworld 2011 - Coming Soon
Hey everyone... Just a teaser... We have been working hard to get ready for Brickworld 2011. There are several changes coming to the event based on your feedback in the survey over the summer. As always, there is room for improvement and we are (...) (14 years ago, 2-Dec-10, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickFest 2011
(...) Steve-- Sorry to hear of this--but understand, and we'll see you next time around. Thanks for verifying this info. Play Well and Prosper, Doc Crandall "The Brick Detective" (14 years ago, 12-Nov-10, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickFest 2011
(URL) Hi All, The BrickFest staff has some bad news. BrickFest ’11 in Portland is canceled. There are no catastrophic circumstances surrounding this, but rather a collection of smaller issues. Given there are so many wonderful alternatives we hope (...) (14 years ago, 12-Nov-10, to, FTX) ! 
  Re: BrickFest 2011
(...) According to the (URL) Brickfest> site: "We are sorry to announce that BrickFest and BricKids Has been cancelled due to staffing issues. News of future events will be posted on this site as well as many of the regular LEGO AFOL web sites." (14 years ago, 12-Nov-10, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickFest 2011
(...) Steve & Christina can give the definitive answer but Steve sent a note around to some folk saying it has been cancelled. That note circulated to a fair few club lists and the like. An announcement here and on the other major discussion centers (...) (14 years ago, 12-Nov-10, to, FTX)  
  Re: BrickFest 2011
(...) Hi everyone! Is there--or is there not--going to be a Brickfest in 2011? It was announced at BrickCon there would be but now, according to the website, "We are sorry to announce that BrickFest™ and BricKids™ Has been cancelled due to staffing (...) (14 years ago, 12-Nov-10, to, FTX)
  Legomaster - Recent Events - Fall 2010
Hey all, I just did a show at the NJ Science and Engineering Festival in Clifton, NJ. What a great event! (URL) 1 (2 URLs) Lapse I also did a show by town square in Newport where I live. (URL) ...a few days later I did a show in Newport Mall. It was (...) (14 years ago, 28-Oct-10, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Robot Competition at BrickCon 2010
(...) Here are the results of the Robot Racing competition: Michael Schumacher Award (first place): Gus Jansson -- total time: 8:10 Jeff Gordon Award (second place): Steve Putz -- total time: 9:13 Dale Earnhardt Award (third place): Heidi Lovett -- (...) (14 years ago, 14-Oct-10, to, lugnet.robotics)
  BrickCon LSculpt presentation
I have uploaded the slides I presented at BrickCon 2010. The slides go through a complex example which includes two different ways of creating 3D models, combining them together, and building the sculpture. (URL) resolution PDF and Powerpoint are (...) (14 years ago, 9-Oct-10, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad,,
  Re: BrickFest 2011
(...) When I clicked through to the Brickfest site, my site advisor gives the following warning: "1 red download In our tests, we found downloads on this site that some people consider adware, spyware or other potentially unwanted programs." When I (...) (14 years ago, 5-Oct-10, to, FTX)
  BrickFest 2011
(URL) Hi All, We are happy to announce that BrickFest(TM) and BricKids(TM) will be held on March 24-27, 2011 at the Oregon Convention Center - Portland, OR. The hotel is same last time, the Red Lion at the Convention Center. Steve & Christina (14 years ago, 5-Oct-10, to, lugnet.announce, FTX)  
  Help build an 8-foot R2-D2 this weekend!
Join the new LEGO® store at the Christiana Mall at their Grand Opening Celebration weekend October 1-3! Help a Master Model Builder construct an 8-ft tall model of R2-D2 out of LEGO® bricks during the LEGO® Store Grand Opening weekend beginning (...) (14 years ago, 30-Sep-10, to,, FTX)
  Legomaster Summer 2010
Hey all, I just finished up the summer series of shows in the County Parks called the Kids Kingdom (NJ). Here are some of the links to the photos: (URL) This picture is to funny! June 5th (URL) Cedar Brook Park> (Youtube Video) July 10th (URL) (...) (14 years ago, 22-Sep-10, to,,,,, FTX)
  Robot Competition at BrickCon 2010
This year's robot competition at BrickCon will be a racing competition. Build and program a robot able to race around an irregularly shaped gradient track while avoiding obstacles on the track. The track is approximately two feet wide, with black in (...) (14 years ago, 16-Sep-10, to, lugnet.robotics,,, lugnet.announce)
  Brick Bash 2011
Brick Bash, an annual public LEGO exhibition presented by the nonprofit organization Bricks for Brains, is once again happening in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The date is Saturday, March 19, 2011. All AFOLs are invited to come and show off their creations (...) (14 years ago, 8-Sep-10, to, FTX)

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