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 Education / 270 (-5)
  Advanced Mindstorms Robotics Summer Camp
Hi, I'm in the process of developing a summer camp called Advanced STEPS (Science Tehcnology and Engineering Preview) here at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. This is a follow on camp to one the participants were involved in as 7th graders. We are (...) (19 years ago, 18-Apr-06, to
  Lego Teams with ALC to Open Education Centers in North America
(URL) LEGO Group, through its LEGO(R) Education division, has signed an exclusive Master License Agreement with ALC Education Group, LLC of New York to bring the LEGO Education Center concept to the United States and Canada. The LEGO Education (...) (19 years ago, 13-Oct-05, to, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Chirality
(...) Well, if you want to show the lone pair of electrons you could. (URL) is a link to a pdf. I didn't think that sending you a 385 kB e-mail message was sucha great idea:) I thought the model was a neat idea. Unfortunately, one of the reviewers (...) (19 years ago, 10-Sep-05, to,,
  Re: Chirality
(...) Excellent Chris, what did you use for the bonds and what did you use for the atoms. And were you also able to show double covalent bonds. (which is something that would be hard to show) I would love to read the article if you want. I get so (...) (19 years ago, 9-Sep-05, to,,
  Re: Chirality
(...) [snip] (...) Actually, you can model Lewis Structures* with LEGO too. I sent an article describing the LEGO-Lewis Model to the Journal of Chemical Education, but they rejected it :( A reviewer suggested that I re-write the "article" as an (...) (19 years ago, 9-Sep-05, to,,

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