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 Education / 265 (-10)
  Re: Chirality
(...) There are also some DNA models (chiral superstructure) in Brickshelf : (URL) (19 years ago, 9-Sep-05, to,
  Re: Chirality
(...) Hi Anita, Thank you for your answer, it has made my day brighter as I like the ideas you talk about. - Being open minded as you are ("I will never look at my bricks the same") - Sharing ideas - LEGO as a smart toy and teaching tool Didier (19 years ago, 9-Sep-05, to
  Taking up 'Revenge of the Brick'
I've gotten a lot of interest in animation after showning several kids 'Revenge of the Brick' including "The Making of...". I have several kids using MLCAD, L3PAO, and POV Ray to create walk sequences. This is all (...) (19 years ago, 17-Aug-05, to
  Re: Look what you can build in twenty minutes!
(...) For you, Scott, anything. I've been thinking about publishing something in the mathematical literature, but I'd love to write a more accessible article for a general (brick-obsessed) audience. It surprises me how little I have read about Lego (...) (19 years ago, 18-Jul-05, to
  Re: Look what you can build in twenty minutes!
(...) <snip> Great stuff Teddy! I love this math stuff, keep it coming! Cyndi (19 years ago, 18-Jul-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Look what you can build in twenty minutes!
(...) Geez, if my instructor used LEGO to demonstrate integration, I'm sure I wouldn't have struggled as much in my university math courses... (19 years ago, 17-Jul-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Look what you can build in twenty minutes!
(...) Awesome Ted! (Hey, sorry I've been so aloof, even to you my closest AFOL neighbor. I haven't even thanked you yet for the bloody Christmas card!) :) But on topic, I must admit, I personally would use those in a Pirate display. For sure! ;) (...) (19 years ago, 17-Jul-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Look what you can build in twenty minutes!
(...) (snip) (...) Teddy, This is Cool, and a great story! Any thoughts about contributing an article about this to BrickJournal? Scott Lyttle (19 years ago, 15-Jul-05, to, FTX)
  Look what you can build in twenty minutes!
Here's the result of a twenty-minute building frenzy: (URL) What is it? A big blue castle? A very wobbly ocean? A sombrero? No! It's a cosine. Really and truly. Here's how I built it in twenty minutes: 1) I didn't build it. 2) I had students build (...) (19 years ago, 15-Jul-05, to,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !! 
  Re: Instructions Needed for 9725
(...) Have them call Pitsco, the set is sold there: (URL) is an activity pack for this set as well: (URL) don't know if it contains building instructions for the basic 4 models. -Rob. XPost to .edu and .dacta (19 years ago, 12-Jul-05, to lugnet.inst,, lugnet.dacta)

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