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 Duplo / *751 (-5)
  Re: Giant Duplo Sphinx - Weekend Build
(...) No, the sphinx is part of a 4 month exhibition, and will be dismantled in September to arise somewhere else (with another weekend build)! I wish I'd had your software to help design it, David! I ended up combining a few different programs and (...) (19 years ago, 28-May-06, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Giant Duplo Sphinx - Weekend Build
Very impressive! I never duplo could do so much, and I don't feel childish playing with lego at all now ; ) God Bless, Nathan Visit my brickshelf gallery: (URL) (pic=link) (19 years ago, 26-May-06, to lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: Giant Duplo Sphinx - Weekend Build
Is this a permanent installation? Was the model glued? -David (...) (19 years ago, 25-May-06, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Giant Duplo Sphinx - Weekend Build
Oops, forgot to post that message in FTX. Here's the teaser picture/link ... (URL) Cheers, Robin Sather Brickville DesignWorks - (URL) (19 years ago, 23-May-06, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.duplo, FTX)  
  Giant Duplo Sphinx - Weekend Build
Hi all, A few of the Brickville guys spent much of our weekend building an 8 foot model of the Great Sphinx, which will now become part of a local Lego exhibit running here in Vancouver until September. (URL) Click the link above, or below for some (...) (19 years ago, 23-May-06, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.duplo) !! 

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