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 Duplo / *677 (-5)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) SWEET! I have been thinking about doing something very similiar since I first saw the preview pictures. John, you might get me to go 8-wide after all. ;-) Russell BayLTC/BayLUG (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) They are five studs in diameter. The faces I used on my 6 wide Thomas characters were just shy of 4 wide. I think that these new faces would be virtually impossible to use on 6 wide trains and have the results look good (except, perhaps, for (...) (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) Works for me. I actually thought about doing that when I saw them in the prerelease photos! But now that you have one in your hand, how does the size of the face compare to, say, a 4x4 radar dish? Rob (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo)
  8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
Well, my prayers have been finally answered (sorta:-) I had gotten into the habit of firing off an email to Brad Justus every 6 months or so when he was still heading up LEGO Direct begging for TLG to get a license for producing Thomas the Tank (...) (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX) !! 
  New Thomas trains are out, and 7344 Large Dump truck
I stopped by my local TRU, Mira Mesa/San Diego, on Tuesday and I think I stepped into a time warp. They had all 4 sets from the new (URL) DUPLO line >. As well as the new LEGO (URL) Large Dump Truck, 7344 >! Non of these show up on S@H or any other (...) (20 years ago, 5-May-05, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.trains,, FTX)

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