Re: Parts and sets I wish existed
Thu, 19 Mar 2009 01:29:28 GMT
10517 times
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In lugnet.dear-lego, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
> 1.More hairpieces in usefull colors other than black, i.e. blond, brown
> etc. Some hairpieces do come in colors like orange for example but orange
> isn't very usefull, so few real world people have orange hair.
So few people have yellow faces too :)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Parts and sets I wish existed
| 1.More hairpieces in usefull colors other than black, i.e. blond, brown etc. Some hairpieces do come in colors like orange for example but orange isn't very usefull, so few real world people have orange hair. I am talking about the newer funkier (...) (16 years ago, 18-Mar-09, to lugnet.dear-lego)
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