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 Dear LEGO / 1630
1629  |  1631
Re: an update -- and an apology
lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 19:44:59 GMT
2459 times
Mike Poindexter wrote:

Brad Justus <> wrote in message
To everyone at LUGNET:


I can say now that we are building our new offerings not to a narrow focus • with
limited age appeal (i.e. what has been perceived as the "traditional" LEGO
target of children). Instead, we recognize that our appeal extends over a • wide
range of ages and interests, and that LEGO has a value proposition not • only for
younger children, but for young parents, families, older children and
teenagers, and - most decidedly - adults. Nor do we view LEGO Mindstorms • as our
only product with adult appeal; the health and vitality of LUGNET is • testament
to the interest our core play materials products hold for everyone. So we • will
be reshaping our direct-to-consumer presence, both online and offline (for
example, the LEGO club), to be much more attuned to the needs and • interests of
our consumers.

Among other activities, we will be helping to enable and participate in • LEGO
communities for older (i.e. adult) enthusiasts, and we will create (over • time)
products and other offerings with specific appeal to this group. This • means not
only bulk buying, but perhaps exclusive playthemes or product lines that • are
made even more valuable by the participation and input of the community.

We intend also to provide support, either financial or otherwise, to as • many of
the LEGO communities and clubs out there (both online and off) as we can. • I've
even spoken to Todd Lehman regarding how we can provide support for LUGNET
(without, of course, in any way comprising its independence. And we're • also
working on organizing a couple of events at our first-ever LEGO Club • Convention
at LEGOLAND California in July which should have interest specifically for

I can only hope that means we might see some better selection of track
(wider radius curves, crossings that are not 90', different point
configurations) for our train displays and the possibility of DCC trains.

And what (I hear you saying) about bulk buying? Well, it's definitely
happening. We are working right now on determining how many items we can • offer
initially - though I should tell you, it will necessarily be a limited • number
at first as we test our manufacturing and distribution capabilities for • this.
In addition to a selection of standard bricks, we will also be offering a • dozen
or so "non-standard" items which we will, in a couple of weeks, want to • have
your input on. (Start mobilizing those votes for windows now.) Also, we • will
not be offering items which are currently out of production, at least for • some
time (I can't make any promises here.) And, once again, the target for
delivering this service to you is late summer. I'll have more details on • bulk
buying, as I said, in two or three weeks.

I would suggest that everyone think about these items we can request.  I
know certain people want pitchforks, or 1x1 tiles, etc.  I would hope that
we can come up with some items that are universally wanted and would sell in
enough quantities that show this is a good thing.  I would hate to see Lego
offer monkeys and rowboats, which only have appeal to a few people (although
it might be great for them) and little appeal to most others.

I have an idea of what would be ideal items for such a list, but I would
want to think it over before I post it to make sure I have gotten all the
items on it that are really important.  I also would hope that people would
consider what will be relatively easy to get through set purchases vs. bulk
ordering.  Although I would love to buy black train windows bulk, I can get
them from the soccer busses easily enough.  I would, however, like to be
able to get train window glass!

Mike Poindexter

Mike, I concur.   If you look at what is not easily available in sets, then some
of the items I listed on a previous post are valid:  clear slopes - rare in most
any set,  2x2 windows - great for making skyscrapers (1x4x5 or 1x4x6 are too
large for skyscrapers), tiles - in certain sizes and colors, corner slopes -
especially low and steep slopes (rare in all sets), 2x2 rounds, and of course
train windows and window glass.

I personally would order 1,000 (or more) of each of these items (except for the
train windows, which I don't use).

Gary Istok

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: an update -- and an apology
Gary Istok <> wrote in message (...) then some (...) in most (...) too (...) slopes - (...) course (...) for the (...) Gary, Yes, clear slopes are somewhat rare, but are they as universally sought (...) (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general)
  Re: an update -- and an apology
(...) 1x4x6 windows are exactly the right size for minifig scale office buildings. KL (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general)
  Re: an update -- and an apology
I quote Brad here: " Also, we will not be offering items which are currently out of production, at least for some time (I can't make any promises here.)" We need to limit our "wants list" to bricks in sizes and colors which are currently *in* (...) (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: an update -- and an apology
Brad Justus <> wrote in message (...) [snippage] (...) with (...) wide (...) only for (...) as our (...) testament (...) will (...) interests of (...) LEGO (...) time) (...) means not (...) are (...) (...) (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general)

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