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 Dacta / 267
  Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
(...) That sounds very promising! I have absolutely no idea about VB. My idea was to build something for a display at a LUG event which would require the interface to be connected to a laptop. Unfortunately, the only laptop I have that has a serial (...) (15 years ago, 10-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)
  Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
(...) I have not had any problems using the CLI with a Startech USB-Serial converter on my laptop (running WinXP). I have also used the converter successfully with Robolab 2.5.4 and 2.9. (URL) (15 years ago, 10-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)
  Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
(...) I am using a Prolific USB-Serial Adapter for my CLI project and it works great. I am using it on a Dell Latitude E6500 with Win XP SP3. I don't believe my VB solution will work on windows 98 because it needs the Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 (...) (15 years ago, 11-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)

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