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 Dacta / *263 (-5)
  Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
(...) Hi Brian, I will prepare a simple installable demo that will support multiple Interfaces. I will transfer it soon to the same url of the other demo and source files from my first post. Indeed, this interface is pretty old. But for fixed (...) (15 years ago, 10-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)
  Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
(...) Thanks for posting your program for others to share. I will try and make some time to test it out. It is becoming quite rare to see others using these interfaces. I have multiple 9751 ControlLab interfaces and could do some testing using more (...) (15 years ago, 9-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)
  ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
Hi, Here is my first attempt to build a VB.NET DLL class to facilitate somehow the building of VB.NET programs that talk to the old ControlLab Interface "B", 70909. (URL) folder includes Source files and also setup files. To RUN the DEMO (...) (15 years ago, 8-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)
  Re: Looking for Dacta Scans
(...) Hi Mike, I have high definition scan (300 DPI) of all lego dacta minisets instructions (levers, pulleys, wheels and axles, gears). I also have scan of all teacher books (4). Would be a plesure send you all scan imagen in a CD as a gift. Just (...) (17 years ago, 16-Feb-08, to lugnet.dacta)
  Looking for Dacta Scans
I am looking for scans of some of the LEGO Dacta Simple Machines sets. For example, this is one of the sets I am looking for a scan: (URL) anyone knows of a resource for Dacta instructions, I'd greatly appreciate it. Mike (17 years ago, 22-Jan-08, to lugnet.dacta)

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