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Re: Open letter to the CEO of the LEGO Company / Call for your signs! (no discussions here please)
lugnet.color, lugnet.dear-lego
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 03:21:47 GMT
5063 times
I agree to returning to the old greys/browns (the new don't need to disappear, just
bring back the old).

Tom Stangl (38), Cantonment, Florida USA
    ~$10-20,000/yr 1997-2004
    ~$200 post-2004 (on post-color-change sets.  Still a few thousand on
pre-color-change sets)
            (while I REALLY like a lot of the post-color change sets, I won't buy
almost all of them
             due to the new greys/browns)

Reinhard \"Ben\" Beneke wrote:

Signature (age), place (state), approximate annual budget before 2004,
approximate budget for 2004, (optional data)
(example for sign)
LEGO®-Fan A. Smith (33), city, (state), much money in 2003, less money in 2004

Tom Stangl
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