Re: Open letter to the CEO of the LEGO Company / Call for your signs! (no discussions here please)
lugnet.color, lugnet.dear-lego
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 02:15:20 GMT
4614 times
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sorry i incorretly signed the first time
OnDrew Hartigan (21), winfield, il , $2000-6000 pre2004, 3500 for2004 but only
spent on 2003 and prior sets/ PAB,
during my employment at the woodfield lego store oct03-aug04 i spoke with no
less than 200 parents concerned and upset about the color changes. some were ok
with it and other were out right furious. one whom i had sold $600 worth of sets
to during the christmas season and thousands prior, decided to sell his entire
collection of 300,000 bricks[1].
I have recently found that i am buying less and less unopened sets and have now
started to spend most of my money on and other non retail sites
rather than supporting a company that i truly do love. i really do wish the
company the best and hopefully with time it will learn from it's mistakes and
head twords a brighter future.
[1]- i found this out when i purchased the collection from him.
In lugnet.general, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke wrote:
> _________________________________________________________ February 2005
> To Mr. Jørgen Vig Knudstorp
> CEO of LEGO Company
> Billund
> Denmark
> Dear Mr. Knudstorp,
> we are writing to you, the highest authority of LEGO Company, in order to
> express a matter of utmost importance for our community. We, the signatories of
> this letter, form the group of Adult Fans Of LEGO® (AFOLs). Some of us have
> children who play with LEGO® toys but most of us build models with LEGO® bricks
> ourselves. Until recently, we have been the biggest fans of your products. Now,
> however, our enthusiasm for your products has been put extremely at risk because
> we are calling a decision into question that was made by the LEGO Company which
> is of great importance for us.
> The issue that has stirred up anger over the past year, is the fact that within
> LEGO Company a wrong decision has been taken, namely the break of a tradition
> which had existed for the past 40 years - the continuity of the
> SYSTEM colours.
> New tones e.g. grey, dark-grey and brown, as well as some other, less important
> tones have been added to the product range at the beginning of year 2004. This
> measure has caused great offence through the fact that long-established colours
> were abandoned at the same time and are now no longer used in new sets. From
> this decision, countless problems for collections and self-created models occur.
> These problems have been discussed in detail at You can find
> extracts of these discussions at the end of this letter.
> Through the change of the colours we find ourselves extremely restricted in
> exercising our hobby as we are used to and thus are even more annoyed about this
> - in our eyes - unnecessary and quite badly thought-out decision. This topic has
> been troubling us for more than one year now and has lead to strong negative
> emotional reactions.
> The relationship of LEGO Company to its fans has never been as good as today,
> the same holds true for the model palette. The possibilities we, the AFOLs, have
> today - be it the buying opportunities or the participation in
> product development - are simply incredible ("Bulk-order", "S@H",
> "pick-a-brick-wall", "My Own Creation", "Community development team"). We had
> never thought all this possible just a few years ago. And we are extremely
> grateful for all these opportunities, but unfortunately these praiseworthy
> achievements turn into almost nothing through the decision of stopping the
> production of the important colours. Even the most beautiful set that is
> achievable on the market now is completely useless for us as source for building
> an own model of it as our partly huge brick collections are full of bricks of
> the old colours which do not match with the new colours.
> We found out that LEGO Company still produces sets which were introduced before
> 2004 and which accordingly contain the "old" SYSTEM colours. At present,
> production machines run parallel and produce the same elements in both colour
> shades (old and new). We are therefore of the opinion, the time would be right
> to stop the further application of the new colours now since these are widely
> not accepted among customers. We agree with the decision to limit the colour
> palette to prevent it from growing to infinity. We find that the time is right
> to stop the production of the new colours and to reactivate the production of
> the old colours. It would cause LEGO company no trouble at all since all
> resources are available until today: production machines, stocks and granulate.
> By the discontinuation of the new unloved colours, resources would be set free.
> Through the measure of taking back the colour change, you would earn our
> greatest respect which would be mirrored clearly in our purchase behaviour and
> our picture we have of the brand LEGO!
> We call upon you, Mr. Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, to take action now!
> Give us back our SYSTEM of grey, dark-grey and brown!
> Signature (age), place (state), approximate annual budget before 2004,
> approximate budget for 2004, (optional data)
> (example for sign)
> LEGO®-Fan A. Smith (33), city, (state), much money in 2003, less money in 2004
> APPENDIX (some statements from the LUGNET-discussions):
> Main arguments against the colour change:
> "weakening of the LEGO® SYSTEM through such a drastic alteration is bad"
> "incompatibility of warm, old, and cold new colours"
> "restricted use of the new colours because of incompatibility"
> "new part shapes are not available in old colours, old part shapes are not
> available in new colours"
> "new colours are too similar to the ones of cheap competitors (Megabloks)"
> "old colours appear yellowish beside the new (bluish) colours - this makes them
> look worn"
> "unnecessary alteration, as the questioning of teen LEGO®-Fans has shown"
> Minor but still serious problems:
> "sorting"
> "hard to see differences at bad light"
> "contradictory communication about the purpose of the changeover"
> "it seems that LEGO Company itself is not convinced about the change towards
> bluish colours as it does not promote it in public"
> "rejection of the new grey because it appears to look military-like"
> "exactly the clearness of the new colours is their disadvantage: steel-grey is
> not suitable for building rocks, reddish brown is not suitable for most shades
> of rust and wood"
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