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 Color / 1128
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Re: Blue box 4483 AT-AT - new colors? NO.
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 05:07:54 GMT
2100 times
The Blue box AT-AT released last year has the old grays.

Little is known about the 2005 AT-AT 4483 being sold on right now. No
one knows the box type or if new/old gray parts are used. We'll find out soon,
since they should be shipping by now. The speculation is that it will be blue
box and have the old grays.

Message is in Reply To:
  Blue box 4483 AT-AT - new colors?
Does the blue-boxed 4483 AT-AT (as opposed to the older black-boxed version) contain the new grays? Thanks, Steve (20 years ago, 22-Apr-05, to lugnet.color)

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