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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 1694
  Re: Tauros Military Outpost
Wilson, Way to make an entrance! The model is mind-blowing. I love the details, and overall, it's just so perfect, it's scary. Good work, can't wait to see what else ya got planned! Castle is back! WOO HOO! ehehe (...) (22 years ago, 2-Nov-02, to, lugnet.castle)
  Re: Tauros Military Outpost
(...) it's "perfect", when it's actually far from perfect when viewed from a functional design standpoint. But I guess that was the angle I was going for, so I'm glad you think the same. As for what else I've got planned, I'm going to start laying (...) (22 years ago, 3-Nov-02, to, lugnet.castle)

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