Re: Factions
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:21:32 GMT
1799 times
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In lugnet.castle, Victor Knight writes:
> In lugnet.castle, Aaron Dalan writes:
> > Black Knights--bad guys, the Black Monarch is another noble in the Kingdom
> > of the Lion King, albeit stronger and better equipped than the Black Falcon.
> > If the Black Knights would unite with the Black Falcons, they could defeat
> > the Lion King, but they are bitter enemies to each other most of the time.
> > Black Knights are totally unrelated to the DM.
> Hmm, interesting that you have the BK completely unrelated to the DM. How do
> you explain the shared dragon shields and plumes?
Well, the easy way to explain it would be that Lego was too cheap to design
another insignia, and they just changed the blue trim and dragon of the BK
to green on DM. But that is not too satisfying.
There are a few similarities between the two groups, most notably the shield
design and the dragon shaped plumes. But the differences between the two
groups are much more profound, and more telling.
The the first BK castle, Black Monarch's castle in the U.S., is totally of
European design. The knights in that set actually have feathered plumes.
The design of their next and greatest castle, Black Knight's Castle (or
Dungeon Masters Castle), also has a totally European design, although now
the Knights have those cool Dragon shaped helmet decorations. In all other
respects, the BK are very similar to Black Falcon and Lion/crossed axe
guys...they have cavalry, archers, and foot, plus traditional european seige
weapons like catapults, battering rams and such. Essentially a european
group, to my way of thinking. For the BK who do have facial hair (BK, Sea
Serpent Captain, etc), their beards are red (euro).
Then you have the DM. Although they are "fantastic" in the sense that they
have dragons and wizards, in many respects they are totally alien to the
first three castle groups mentioned. Their architecture is radically
different (and radically ugly, see FBF). The yellow decorations on the
black castle elements of FBF have a decidedly Asian look to them. The DM
Knights wear the Roman style helmets, a radical departure from the Black
Knight's gear. And also the faces are different, especially of the DM
guardsmen--remind you of the Mongol hordes in the movie Mulan? They do to
me. Plus the DM style of fighting is totally different as well (open cage,
release dragon, stand back and cover your ears). They only glitch in this
line of thinking is the blue wizard, who lets face it, is Merlin/Gandalf. I
think Lego just really wanted to make a Wizard, so they through him in with
the DM even though he is a little out of place. My Wizards live out in the
forest with Robin Hood for the most part.
So let's say the DM came out of the East to plunder and pillage, and took a
hankering to the BK shield symbols, and copied them as best as they could
for their own shields. And Merlin was mad because the King kicked him out
of his court, so he joined forces with the Eastern hordes.
A little long winded, to be sure, but that is my explanation.
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 | | Re: Factions
| (...) Hmm, interesting that you have the BK completely unrelated to the DM. How do you explain the shared dragon shields and plumes? (24 years ago, 13-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
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