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 Castle / 8908
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Re: Castle Roll Call/Survey
Sat, 12 May 2001 13:49:29 GMT
1243 times
In, Chris Maddison writes:
I was doing a bit of digging around, and I found my first roll call, a year
ago.  So, I figured to do an update, and try to "theme" it a bit.  Here goes:

Name: Joel Jacobsen
Gender:  Male
Year of Birth:  1973
Mental Age/Status of Inner Child:  11 (everyone else seems to be 10 around
here <G>)
Location: Columbus, Ohio
E-mail Address: (home)
LEGO/home page URL(s):

Marital Status: Happily Married!
Children: 0
Occupation: Network support for an ISP.
On Lugnet Since: lurking since spring '00, posting since August '00
On R.T.L (A.T.L) Since: Never.

# of Sets in LEGO Collection: ~120
# of Unopened Sets in Collection: None. I just can't help myself.
# of LEGO Pieces: Haven't taken time to try and count them. =/
# of Castle minifigs: >300 if counting 'borrowed' figs from Pirates and SW.
                      ~150 legitimate Castle Set figs.
# of LEGOfests Attended: 0
# of LEGO Theme Parks Visited: 0

First LEGO Set: 114
First Castle Set:  6022
Favorite Theme(s):  Castle, Town, Space, Star Wars, Adventurers, Trains
(only have 1 though).
Favorite Set(s)Owned: Guarded Inn, Black Falcon's Fortress, Camoflaged Outpost.
Favorite Set Wanted: 6086!!!
Favorite Stock Castle Minifigure: Studded leather armor from 6079, red scale
armor torso from 6085.
Favorite MOC Minifigure: Beliwyr

Set/theme you would like to see: Castles built like those of the 80's -
King's Castle, Black Falcons, Black Monarch's. Village buildings - anything
with tudor walls would be great. A windmill would be keen.

Current LEGO Project: (very) Early stages of creation for the Kingdom of
Rivnor so that the Forest of Blood storyline can continue.

Other (Non-LEGO) Interests: Spending time with my wife, Roleplaying (table
top and online), PC Games (The Sims, Roller Coaster Tycoon, NASCAR 3),
doodling (I couldn't call what I do "drawing"..), music (various), RC Cars,
reading (SciFi, Fantasy).

LUGNET member #: don't have one.. I keep meaning to get my membership dues
sent in but it never happens.. next paycheck..!

Now, the survey part:

Are you a member of Castle World?  Yes.
Who is your sigfig? Beliwyr (for now)
Are you attending Brickfest 2001? Not this time. :(
Are you taking part in The Gathering?  No.
Will you be competing in the Tournament?  No.
What one "retired" piece would you like to see make a comeback? Guess I
hafta say the European Armor, or more female torsos/heads. (A body can only
use so many Princess Storm heads - sorry, Scar! <G>)

What piece(s) would you like to see eliminated or not brought back?

- The catapult 'bucket' from various of the current sets!!
- The Bulls heads, well the Bulls in general, really.
- Willa's head

How often do you want to use the 1x5x6 castle wall pieces in your castles?

___ Everywhere
___ A lot
_X_ Whenever they fit
___ Almost never
___ Not at all

How many kings do you have? 4 or 5. I don't use them much.
How many "bona fide" peasants do you have? 4 - 2 green, 2 gray torsos.
How many women do you have? ~30
How many of those women are Willa? 2, but only one Willa head will be used.


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