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 Castle / 84
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Fright Nights
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:13:51 GMT
620 times
Hi all,

Are the Fright Nights gone now too?  I saw one set on the local store shelves,
that I haven't seen else where. (sorry don't remember the set number :-( ) I
almost picked it up, but changed my mind.  Should I kick myself and go back and
see if it is still there?  Or are they still available else where?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Fright Nights
(...) Think they're being discontinued, so if you like the theme, pick 'em up while you still can! Night lord's castle (IMHO) is a cool set, despite the fact that the main model looks really ugly from the outside. Dark grey castle wall sections, red (...) (25 years ago, 27-Sep-99, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Fright Nights
(...) You can still find them here and there, but yes, they're technically "gone", or at least discontinued. I suspect S@H still has a bunch of each, and the sets will be showing up on auction and parts sales for a loooong time yet. James (URL) (25 years ago, 27-Sep-99, to lugnet.castle)

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