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 Castle / 8272
8271  |  8273
Re: Silver breastplate question
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 13:02:11 GMT
735 times
In lugnet.castle, Stuart Curtis writes:
My query is: what is the torso of the figure underneath the silver breastplate?
Judging by the legs, I'm guessing it's the chainmail with a red necklace
effect as found in the big castle and the big Bulls set?


       Yes it is the red necklace/chainmail man.

           God Bless,


Message is in Reply To:
  Silver breastplate question
Hopefully, one of you out there has the set in question (Knights' Kingdom, set #4817). My query is: what is the torso of the figure underneath the silver breastplate? Judging by the legs, I'm guessing it's the chainmail with a red necklace effect as (...) (24 years ago, 23-Mar-01, to lugnet.castle)

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