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 Castle / 7797
    Re: To those interested in the stickers —Eric Joslin
   (...) Ack. If you're really going to move the bulk of the conversation elsewhere, be sure to update the rest of us every once in a while, eh? If you're really concerned about clogging up the lugnet.castle group, I would think that lugnet.publish (...) (24 years ago, 9-Feb-01, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: To those interested in the stickers —Jimmy Park
   (...) Will do. (...) I myself prefer the egroups, because it also has the polling feature, which may come in handy. It is a public group, so joining shouldn't take more than 5 minutes (I joined with one click - about 2 seconds) if you really are (...) (24 years ago, 9-Feb-01, to lugnet.castle)

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