Re: Anyone using motors, etc. in Castle creations?
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:39:57 GMT
2519 times
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Bram Lambrecht wrote:
> "James Brown" <> writes:
> > It worked well, except that it's very dim. I still think
> > that might be because I'm using several lights off a single
> > battery pack.
> If you're using standard LEGO electrical parts (plates, wires, etc)
> aren't the lights hooked up in parallel? If so, then the only reason for
> dim lights would be low batteries, right?
If you put enough lights in parallel, they will start to dim. Since we
have no ideal power sources, all power sources will put out a lower
voltage as the load increases. Batteries are pretty good, and can dump
their energy pretty quick. A shorted battery can get extremely hot,
though that fact also points out another bit, as the load increases, a
larger percentage of the energy being discharged will be converted to
heat in the battery itself and not go to the load.
*very technical discussion follows*
The way to look at this: a real power source may be modeled as an ideal
power source, in series with a resistor. Now this resistor (R1) has a
fairly low resistance compared to the load (R2). The equation for the
voltage across the load is V*R2/(R1+R2), now when R2 is large compared
to R1, we can ignore R1 and the voltage across the load is V, but as the
load increases, the significance of R1 becomes higher. Note that the
resistance of a set of identical loads (each load is R3) in parallel is
Frank Filz
Work: (business only please)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Anyone using motors, etc. in Castle creations?
| (...) I'm not sure if that's what I'm running into or not. My lights are rather buried in my castle, and I can't say I'm willing to dig them out right now. I am running (if memory serves correctly) 8 or 9 lights off one box, and 4 of those are the (...) (25 years ago, 23-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Anyone using motors, etc. in Castle creations?
| (...) If you're using standard LEGO electrical parts (plates, wires, etc) aren't the lights hooked up in parallel? If so, then the only reason for dim lights would be low batteries, right? --Bram Bram Lambrecht / o o \ (...) (25 years ago, 22-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)
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