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 Castle / 7339
    Re: Who is the Forest Wench? —Aaron West
   (...) Her head is the same as the Pirate Wench head, lots easier to find! Short black bangs and big red lips. Cheesy, but classic. Funny thing is when you stand one of these wenches around with a bunch of regular ol' smiley guys from the same time (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Who is the Forest Wench? —Scott Runkle
   (...) Could you point me to the Pirate Wench then, since I am unfamiliar with her as was I with the Forest Wench. Thanks. -- Scott (24 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Who is the Forest Wench? —David Eaton
   (...) As it turns out, that head was used in a couple places: 6071 - as the Forest Wench 6285 - as the Pirate Wench 6286 - as the Pirate Wench again 6081 - as a princess 6256 - as an islander babe 6278 - as the islander babe again There are probably (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Who is the Forest Wench? —Aaron West
   (...) She was in the first Sea Mates minifigure pack sold retail, back when the Solders wore blue coats (waaay back 10 years ago, when LEGO was KING baby!). Man, I want The Pirates vs Imperial Guards back, real bad. I'm sure I'm not alone... Aaron (24 years ago, 13-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)

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