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 Castle / 6512
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Re: Hmm...(many fronds = tree)
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 03:48:34 GMT
1509 times
Those trees are next on my list to construct.
I have designed a decent looking tree myself;
however I don't have the means to post a picture of it, yet,
but basically...

take a look at the tree in Kings Mountain Fortress:

and seperate two of the trunk pieces, insert a 1x4 pole, the a
2x2 round plate (green or brown) and then add the rest of the
back on, thengo back and add the leaves to the round plate
and there you have it.

It looks like an oak tree or something, and you can make it
as tall as you want.


In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
In lugnet.castle, Peter White writes:
In lugnet.castle, Matt Brooks writes:
Somebody recentl (I think) posted a picture with a rather unique way of
using palm fronds to create a tree. I remember seeing it, and thinking,
"I like that! I must come back and look at it again in the future!",
however I neglected to bookmark it. Anyone have any idea what I'm
referring to? I've tried hunting for it but I can't seem to find it...

There were some in last weeks Lego Site of the Week.
They are pictured near a train station.
Your talking about the large 'conifer' effect, I gather.

Yup! I think the exact link was:
(of course it had to be the last link I'd click ;-)

I liked it too, BTW. Some good small trees on the other pages, too.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Hmm...(many fronds = tree)
(...) For a more substantial trunk, I stacked tan Adventurer-car wheels on a Technic axle, with 2x2 round plates at the top and bottom. The plates could be put in the middle as well, as Zack suggests; must try that. I have so many of these wheels! (...) (24 years ago, 25-Oct-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Hmm...(many fronds = tree)
(...) Yup! I think the exact link was: (URL) course it had to be the last link I'd click ;-) I liked it too, BTW. Some good small trees on the other pages, too. -Shiri (24 years ago, 25-Oct-00, to lugnet.castle)

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