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 Castle / 651
650  |  652
Re: Shop @ Home
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 00:23:05 GMT
890 times
In lugnet.castle, Aaron West writes:
Hey folks!
LEGO S@H still has the King's Castle #6090 in stock, though in low numbers!  I
know we are all eagerly awaiting the 2000 Royal Knights collection, but I
could not resist another one of these, it had lots of good features and
parts.  Besides, I'm impatient for more castle sets since ALL of my old (1979-
1996) LEGO sets are trapped in my parents house in California (2200 miles
away!).  Let me tell you, it is rough.
Feeling like a mini-fig head without a body,

What would be the easiest way for an Australian to recieve this set?
I can't order direct can I? Is there some other way or do I just have to keep
searching here?
Have been looking for the best part of a year :-(
Alternatively, has anyone from Austalia seen one recently? If so please let me
know :-) (cross posting this to local as well)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Shop @ Home
(...) Your best bet is to find someone from the us who can buy and send you one. -- Jonathan Wilson (URL) (25 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle,

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  Shop @ Home
Hey folks! LEGO S@H still has the King's Castle #6090 in stock, though in low numbers! I know we are all eagerly awaiting the 2000 Royal Knights collection, but I could not resist another one of these, it had lots of good features and parts. (...) (25 years ago, 15-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

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