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Re: Backgrounds
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 18:04:37 GMT
1779 times
"Wilson Raska" <> wrote:

In lugnet.castle, Stephen F. Roberts writes:
"Wilson Raska" <> wrote:

In the past couple of months, I've been taking various pictures of the sky,
specifically for these pictures.  Last night, after playing around with
Photoshop for a long time, I finally figured out how to put pictures of my
castle things on those backgrounds.  I have a couple of airship pictures with
clouds in the background to make it look like it's flying.  Here they are if
you want to take a look at 'em:

...very nice! seamless even! so what's ur trick? :-)

Well, first I take the picture with a piece of bright green fabric behind it.
Then I open up the background picture and minimize it (You'll need this
later).  Then I used the magic wand tool to select all the green.  Then I go
to the select menu and click on Inverse, this makes it so only the LEGO is
selected.  You can then open back up the background picture, and then with the
move tool in the toolbar, move the selected LEGO to the background picture.

After reading some past posts, I've learned that if you can set the tolerance
level on the magic wand to High, it will get closer to the LEGO.  Since I
didn't know about that, this is what I did to touch them up:

After cropping the picture to the desired size, (for the next steps, I zoomed
in on the area I wanted to edit) go along the edges with the airbrush set at
the second smallest brush size.  To get a color match to the background, use
the eyedropper tool to take a sample of the background color.  Then use the
airbrush to clean it up and get rid of the green fringe.

That's all I did, even if it's not the most professional way of doing it.

...Ive tried doing the same kind of thing using both green and bright orange, but it
always leavs a bit of bleed thru colour at the edges where the model meets the background
:-/ (really hideous with the orange too!). :-/ Green didn't leave the jaggies as bad, but
tended to bleed more when I had green in the model (the magic wand would go out and select
all the green in themodel too :-/ can go back to ignoring me now...

stephen f roberts
wamalug guy  (
Jain's Guide (
Visit the wildlink (
lugnet #160

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Backgrounds
(...) Well, first I take the picture with a piece of bright green fabric behind it. Then I open up the background picture and minimize it (You'll need this later). Then I used the magic wand tool to select all the green. Then I go to the select menu (...) (25 years ago, 19-Jun-00, to lugnet.castle)

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