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 Castle / 4763
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Re: 4 new pics of Suz's stuff in NELUG display at TCS.
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.castle
Mon, 29 May 2000 22:17:40 GMT
134 times
In, Pearson Castner writes:
To bad they didn't include a shrubbery in the village.

"Use the holy hand grenade!"


What we need is a TLG minifig scale herring for
our lumber jacks!

"I cut down trees, I press wild flowers, I go
to the lavet'ry on wednesdays I go shopping,
and eat buttered scones with tea!"

-John Rudy

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 4 new pics of Suz's stuff in NELUG display at TCS.
(...) Already done - the little ornamental fish that decorate the tops of roofs in the ninja sets have a peg that minifigs can grab. This allowed the creation of one of my greatest heroes, Sushi Warrior. With a fish in each hand and another stuck in (...) (25 years ago, 29-May-00, to,, lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 4 new pics of Suz's stuff in NELUG display at TCS.
To bad they didn't include a shrubbery in the village. "Use the holy hand grenade!" Pearson (25 years ago, 29-May-00, to,, lugnet.castle)

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