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 Castle / 4640
  scars' hair
shiri did you get set with her hair or did you paint is red? (25 years ago, 18-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: scars' hair
(...) Scar uses an actual hairpiece in red. I think it mostly showed up in the town sets and the older hat & hairpiece collection. J (25 years ago, 18-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: scars' hair
(...) Yep! The set Jeff mentioned was still available from S@H, last time I checked (about a month ago). -Shiri (25 years ago, 18-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: scars' hair
(...) in a #6314 is where I got mine. (25 years ago, 19-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: scars' hair
(...) No, no. That's not her hair. Shiri used the old style shoulder length hair on Scar, not the ponytail hair. I've looked all over; anyone know what set this comes in? -Chris (25 years ago, 19-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: scars' hair
(...) Yes! (thanks for the #, Jeff) It's <set:5393> and it is still available from S@H AFAIK. g'luck! -Shiri (25 years ago, 19-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: scars' hair
(...) And the mystery of Scar's hair is last. ;) -Chris (25 years ago, 19-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

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