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 Castle / 4592
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Re: lego vampires?
lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.castle
Mon, 8 May 2000 19:42:34 GMT
125 times
to see my haunted house.

The current bats do hang upside if you use a small
grey technic pin inserted into the base of the roof

haunted houses would be cool...
lego needs more ideas that are for older lego users like them...
and they need bats that can hang off the ceilings...

My LEGO creations site "Allanton NZ" is at

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: lego vampires?
(...) haunted houses would be cool... lego needs more ideas that are for older lego users like them... and they need bats that can hang off the ceilings... (...) a duckula minifig would be so cool... and they could make models with collapsible (...) (25 years ago, 8-May-00, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.castle)

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