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 Castle / 3150
  Re: new critters - sheep!
(...) Precisely. I have too much on my mind, and I'm trying to focus on a main tale to tell in my storyline, only I keep becoming sidetracked by all these cool, sweet and totally meaningless ideas for more stories. Ugh! (...) Well, I'm not sure what (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: new critters - sheep!
(...) Guildenstern (...) <time to delurk> Shiri, you are getting sleepy, you are forgetting what you wrote, and everyone who read this will forget it too. You will all wait for my story, and see if you can find the secrets i put in :) You could say (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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