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 Castle / 2959
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Re: Where is everybody?!
lugnet.castle, lugnet.admin.general
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 12:27:51 GMT
1911 times
In lugnet.castle, Mohan Ravi writes:
Huh isn't this waay off topic???

Well, if you think something is off-topic you can direct it somewhere else.

You can do this by cross-posting to the group you want (simply add the group's
name to the 'newsgroups' area if you're using web interface) and then write
the group's name again in 'Followup-to' area. Any replies to your post will be
directed to the new group.

That's what I did here, with lugnet.admin.general as the newsgroup. Note,
there are quite a few groups for off-topic discussions, and you can have your
discussion there!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Where is everybody?!
(...) Ok i forgot most of you are americans-i mean Aburgine(sorry 'bout my americanish) Which makes a bigger mess- a purle skinned veggie or a hollow plastic bat..... Huh isn't this waay off topic??? (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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