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 Castle / 2590
2589  |  2591
Re: Survey...
Tue, 15 Feb 2000 15:24:58 GMT
1874 times
In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
OK, here's a survey for lugnet.castle. Please reply to this letter...

1. Do you have 375, the Yellow Castle?
2. Are you a male?
3. Are you over 18?
4. What is the last castle set you paid over $50 for?
5. What's the castle set you paid the most for (ever)?
6. Do you have a webpage of your castle creations?
7. What is your favorite castle set ever?

My answers:

1. Yes x2 (one is 375 other is 6075)
2. Y
3. Y
4. Guarded Inn purchased on eBay (twice so far this year)
5. see #4 above
6. Yes, a couple of them but nothing too recent.
7. 6080, 6067, 6077

Additional questions...
8. I have 7-8 pitchforks
9. Toss-up b/t Forestmen and Black Falcons
10. The two knights from 6083 jousting set.

-Mike Ulring

Message is in Reply To:
OK, here's a survey for lugnet.castle. Please reply to this letter... 1. Do you have 375, the Yellow Castle? 2. Are you a male? 3. Are you over 18? 4. What is the last castle set you paid over $50 for? 5. What's the castle set you paid the most for (...) (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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