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 Castle / 2284
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Re: The disappearing act
Sun, 6 Feb 2000 00:49:12 GMT
2820 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Stembel writes:
In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
In lugnet.castle, Craig Hamilton writes:
In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
I've just had some tense ten minutes...

Scar has been running the disappearing act on me... I was really scared,
cause I couldn't find her anywhere. The only two possibilities I had in
mind after futile search were:

a. I lost her somewhere. • <snip>
b. She ran away. • <snip>

Well, what can I say - I was freaking out.

But, thank [appropriate title], I found her. She was hiding under some big
baseplates - thus confirming my latter speculation ;-) I'd better not leave
her alone for too long...

shiri ~

well, there's another possible explanation... our 'figs probably know
everything we know regarding Castle World. and we all know from experiences
similar to yours that there are some 'figs, you just can't turn your back


Scar's definitely one of them :-)

As is The Necromancer Zar Kalthrax.  Even his Henchliches are afraid of him!

Yep. They're a dangerous race, their scientific name is Dangerousi Plotti.

scar slipped through one of the Revolving Door Portals (which you and i
just mentioned in the "balladeer post") and was having a visit (blood tea &
scones, of course, with rare bits on the side) with my 'lil mephisto!  the
moment i caught them, i knew those two were could be up to no good, so i
busted up the party and escorted her to the nearest RDP (oh no, another
acronym!!) and sent her packing! glad to hear she made it back safely!
you're right! ~ a tense and scary ten minutes!

Of course! That explains it all. I mean, she wasn't there before, I'm pretty
sure I checked... Come to think of it, there was an RDP nearby... (1)

I just hope they're compatible with the Whitestone Portals of Dragonia!  :)

I think that Craig's suggestion of RDPs (revolving door portals) will be a
great excuse to take some mutual photos of different people's characters,
plotting away or generally having fun...

we all have reason to fear whatever plot scar and mephisto could've
cooked up during their brief (and very RED) rendevous.  then again, perhaps
it was just a friendly tea. ... if we're lucky!

Uh-oh. Those two together could do just about anything.
I'm afraid Scar would try to get Mephisto to join her vengeful actions
the Lion Kingdom. After all, Floyd (Scar's father) was Mephisto's mentor
(until the latter chose the ways of evil), and King Lapis is a dear friend of
King Marck...
I'll warn Queen Cleo to increase security...

Which reminds me...  His Majesty Auld Dragon sent an envoy, Sir Gareth
Durston(1), to both of your ruling Monarchs and the Kingdom of Bruce to create
official diplomatic ties.  :)

Let Your Highness know that Her Majesty Queen Cleo is expecting his arrival...
And that she can't wait to see his picture as well ;-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The disappearing act
(...) He knows. He's got agents all over the place. I can't keep track of 'em all! ;) I'll also get images of the Princess, the self-styled Swashbuckling Rogue Highwayman turned Peasant Hero, King Donnan, and others. :) Jeff (URL) I added a Non-Lego (...) (25 years ago, 6-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The disappearing act
(...) As is The Necromancer Zar Kalthrax. Even his Henchliches are afraid of him! :) (...) I just hope they're compatible with the Whitestone Portals of Dragonia! :) (...) Which reminds me... His Majesty Auld Dragon sent an envoy, Sir Gareth (...) (25 years ago, 6-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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