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Castle Layout at BrickWorld 2007
lugnet.castle,, lugnet.announce
Thu, 5 Apr 2007 02:01:32 GMT
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22880 times
Greetings everyone!

The upcoming inaugural BrickWorld will have a collaborative Castle display using the great building standards that the AFOL community has created throughout the years, plus one new building standard.

Many Castle builders are already familiar with the popular Classic Castle City (CCC) modular wall building standard. We will be using CCC walls, so bring your gates, your towers, your straight walls and any other CCC wall module you’d like to make.

What fortress is complete without plenty of farmland to feed all those medieval minifigs? (and we castle-heads sure do have a knack for building our MF armies!) We will use the CCC Farm Standard to bring together fields of crops. If you have any crops made on regular baseplates, chances are that they already fit with the straightforward Farm Standard.

While the farming peasants must endure life outside the fortress wall, merchants and shopkeepers will enjoy the safety and atmosphere inside the wall amidst the Medieval Marketplace. Salesmen in the Medieval Marketplace can sell anything from apples to swords to their daughters to rocks for stoning people.

Is building landscape more your style? Check out the Base8 landscaping standard for ways to break up the horizontal monotony of regular baseplates. The sky’s the limit with Base8, as long as you bring the edge of your creation back down to baseplate level at the edges.

The final building standard we’ll be using for Castle is the new Tall Wall Standard. The new Tall Walls are meant to be used with the current CCC Walls. Here are the basic principles of the new Tall Walls:

• They’re built along the center of 32X32 baseplates
• Walls are 8 studs thick
• Walls are 14 bricks tall under the walkway plate

Here you can see the difference between a Tall Wall and a CCC Wall

Of course, there’s also the need for freestyle MOC’s that don’t follow a standard. Some of the best Castle MOC’s are the ones that fill in the gaps between the walls and other modular creations.

Recap list of links to standard instructions

Classic Castle City Wall Standard
CCC Farm Standard
Medieval Marketplace
Base8 Landscaping
Tall Wall Standard

Please stay tuned to the LUGNET Castle newsgroup and the Classic-Castle forums for upcoming info on contests.

I’m very excited to be a part of the BrickWorld team and to be the Castle Coordinator for the event. The recent galleries on flickr and Brickshelf of Brickfest in Portland show how great a Castle layout can be when enough AFOL’s get together. I hope that everyone who would like to attend Brickworld is able to come regardless of what theme they’re into.

David “Fuzzy” Gregory
BrickWorld Castle Coordinator

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