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 Castle / 1943
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Re: Character Subcategories
Wed, 26 Jan 2000 13:10:48 GMT
1506 times
Although I guess there should be some kind of ruling system over encounters -
obviously, there's gonna be fighting and death in these meetings, so there
should be some rules over whose characters bite it, whose characters are mates
with each other, etc.


There will be fighting, but think of it in terms of the WWF - great show, all
prearranged, yet still looks good;)  If two people want to fight, they come up
with a mutually beneficial story (if you are captured it leads to a rescue, if
you are destroyed you can rebuild a bigger and better place, etc...)

I will be posting a FAQ section up soon.  Any suggestions on what to include?
Obviously the purpose and procedures will be in there .. as well as the
distinction between this and role-playing.

By the way - thanks for your "characters" suggestion.  It sounded like the best
alternative for the time being (after we get a database and a search engine
(ever?), we will go more complex)

-- pn

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Character Subcategories
(...) mates (...) How did you know I was a WWF fan? Maybe I can come up with a way to get my Undertaker and Stone Cold minifigs into my storylines! :-) I like the idea that this will be pre-arranged: capture -> rescue, murder -> vengeance, romance (...) (25 years ago, 27-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Character Subcategories
(...) stories, (...) Yeah, my point was that those type of games are excellent *source* material when it comes to engineering medieval characters and such - I'm not expecting any cyberspace encounters between different folks' characters to be a (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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